I Rode a Submersible to the Deep Sea. After the <em>Titan </em>Implosion, I Keep Thinking About What Happened Before We Launched. Eden RobinsI Rode a Submersible to the Deep Sea. After the <em>Titan </em>Implosion, I Keep Thinking About What Happened Before We Launched. Eden Robins The vast majority of deep-sea exploration is nothing like the OceanGate disaster. <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/8f264f3c-351d-4a2a-907d-e749e445acd0.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="I Rode a Submersible to the Deep Sea. After the <em>Titan </em>Implosion, I Keep Thinking About What Happened Before We Launched." /> 

The vast majority of deep-sea exploration is nothing like the OceanGate disaster.

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/8f264f3c-351d-4a2a-907d-e749e445acd0.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="I Rode a Submersible to the Deep Sea. After the Titan Implosion, I Keep Thinking About What Happened Before We Launched.” /> 
