<em>The Curse </em>Finale Might Be the Most Inexplicable Ending in TV History Sam Adams<em>The Curse </em>Finale Might Be the Most Inexplicable Ending in TV History Sam Adams I’ll spoil it for you, but you still might not believe me. <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/22e31b62-2750-4166-9b22-39ac9e8ef729.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="<em>The Curse </em>Finale Might Be the Most Inexplicable Ending in TV History" /> 

I’ll spoil it for you, but you still might not believe me.

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/22e31b62-2750-4166-9b22-39ac9e8ef729.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="The Curse Finale Might Be the Most Inexplicable Ending in TV History” /> 
