<em>The Morning Show</em>’s Best Character Isn’t a Hero. He’s Far More Interesting Than That. Anna Nordberg<em>The Morning Show</em>’s Best Character Isn’t a Hero. He’s Far More Interesting Than That. Anna Nordberg The third season is a return to form for UBA CEO Cory Ellison. <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/9bacfc48-ac31-4505-887b-4b0a38ab1e86.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="<em>The Morning Show</em>’s Best Character Isn’t a Hero. He’s Far More Interesting Than That." /> 

The third season is a return to form for UBA CEO Cory Ellison.

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/9bacfc48-ac31-4505-887b-4b0a38ab1e86.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="The Morning Show’s Best Character Isn’t a Hero. He’s Far More Interesting Than That.” /> 
