<em>The Other Two</em> May Be Ending in Controversy, but the Finale Is Just Right Sam Adams<em>The Other Two</em> May Be Ending in Controversy, but the Finale Is Just Right Sam Adams What’s fame without family and friends? <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/de07fb20-a41f-41fa-80f9-15be164c9c90.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="<em>The Other Two</em> May Be Ending in Controversy, but the Finale Is Just Right" /> 

What’s fame without family and friends?

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/de07fb20-a41f-41fa-80f9-15be164c9c90.jpeg?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="The Other Two May Be Ending in Controversy, but the Finale Is Just Right” /> 
