The Slatest for Dec. 1: The Heartbreak of <em>The Golden Bachelor</em> Finale Slate StaffThe Slatest for Dec. 1: The Heartbreak of <em>The Golden Bachelor</em> Finale Slate Staff Stories about George Santos, Henry Kissinger, Sandra Day O'Connor, Natalie Portman, and more. <img src=",1040,x0,y0" title="The Slatest for Dec. 1: The Heartbreak of <em>The Golden Bachelor</em> Finale" /> 

Stories about George Santos, Henry Kissinger, Sandra Day O’Connor, Natalie Portman, and more.

<img src=",1040,x0,y0" title="The Slatest for Dec. 1: The Heartbreak of The Golden Bachelor Finale” /> 
