The Slatest for Jan. 5: The Golden Wedding Completely Missed the Point of <em>The Golden Bachelor</em> Slate StaffThe Slatest for Jan. 5: The Golden Wedding Completely Missed the Point of <em>The Golden Bachelor</em> Slate Staff Stories about Alan Dershowitz, the Supreme Court deciding to take on the Trump Colorado ballot case, quitting alcohol and cigarettes, and more. <img src=",1041,x0,y0" title="The Slatest for Jan. 5: The Golden Wedding Completely Missed the Point of <em>The Golden Bachelor</em>" /> 

Stories about Alan Dershowitz, the Supreme Court deciding to take on the Trump Colorado ballot case, quitting alcohol and cigarettes, and more.

<img src=",1041,x0,y0" title="The Slatest for Jan. 5: The Golden Wedding Completely Missed the Point of The Golden Bachelor” /> 
