The World Watched Jon Stewart Outgrow <em>The Daily Show</em>. Has the World Now Outgrown Jon Stewart? Sam AdamsThe World Watched Jon Stewart Outgrow <em>The Daily Show</em>. Has the World Now Outgrown Jon Stewart? Sam Adams Stewart's shtick now seems hopelessly dated—but there’s something else he may have to offer. <img src=",2832,x4,y0" title="The World Watched Jon Stewart Outgrow <em>The Daily Show</em>. Has the World Now Outgrown Jon Stewart?" /> 

Stewart’s shtick now seems hopelessly dated—but there’s something else he may have to offer.

<img src=",2832,x4,y0" title="The World Watched Jon Stewart Outgrow The Daily Show. Has the World Now Outgrown Jon Stewart?” /> 
