Tumblr Revived the <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em> Fandom Rachelle HamptonTumblr Revived the <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em> Fandom Rachelle Hampton A poll to find the top “Tumblr Sexyman” reminded users how much they loved narrator Cecil Palmer. <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/d042cadf-e220-4923-957c-c89dd35a1a80.gif?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="Tumblr Revived the <em>Welcome to Night Vale</em> Fandom" /> 

A poll to find the top “Tumblr Sexyman” reminded users how much they loved narrator Cecil Palmer.

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/d042cadf-e220-4923-957c-c89dd35a1a80.gif?crop=1560,1040,x0,y0" title="Tumblr Revived the Welcome to Night Vale Fandom” /> 
