<em>U.S. v. Trump</em> Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History Richard L. Hasen<em>U.S. v. Trump</em> Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History Richard L. Hasen It is perhaps the most important indictment ever handed down to safeguard American democracy and the rule of law in any U.S. court against anyone. <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/f8e83bc4-829b-4db8-8d16-a29dc6b6e5a6.jpeg?crop=2385,1590,x570,y274" title="<em>U.S. v. Trump</em> Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History" /> 

It is perhaps the most important indictment ever handed down to safeguard American democracy and the rule of law in any U.S. court against anyone.

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/f8e83bc4-829b-4db8-8d16-a29dc6b6e5a6.jpeg?crop=2385,1590,x570,y274" title="U.S. v. Trump Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History” /> 
