We Have Some Issues With the Sex Scenes in <em>Bridgerton</em>’s New Season Nadira Goffe and Rebecca OnionWe Have Some Issues With the Sex Scenes in <em>Bridgerton</em>’s New Season Nadira Goffe and Rebecca Onion Season 3 has been hyped for having its longest, most furniture-destroying sex scenes yet. We have notes. <img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/1c52bb43-6468-4f3e-9e11-da2beaad63bc.jpeg?crop=1558,1039,x1,y0" title="We Have Some Issues With the Sex Scenes in <em>Bridgerton</em>’s New Season" /> 

Season 3 has been hyped for having its longest, most furniture-destroying sex scenes yet. We have notes.

<img src="https://compote.slate.com/images/1c52bb43-6468-4f3e-9e11-da2beaad63bc.jpeg?crop=1558,1039,x1,y0" title="We Have Some Issues With the Sex Scenes in Bridgerton’s New Season” /> 
